Urban Development and Planetary Health

Urban Development and Planetary Health

27. Januar 2021

Vorlesungsreihe der Planetary Health Academy, alle 14 Tage bis zum 10.02.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Thema: Cities can be drivers of enormous power for the required transformative changes. Therefore, innovative urban development presents major opportunities to improve population health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for health risks exacerbated by climate change. Unlocking their transformative power, cities are key settings for the implementation of a diverse set of interventions to address major planetary health challenges. Lecturers will highlight key facets of transdisciplinary and transformative  urban development for a healthy and good life in cities. They will present the situation and stories of  two cities, one in the south, one in the north.


  • Anna Dyson (Hines Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Professor of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale)
  • Olga Sarmiento (TBC, Professor of the Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes)
  • Björna Althoff (TBC, Medical Doctor, City Council Representative, Krefeld)


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Zu den Videos der aktuellen Veranstaltungsreihe (englisch) und der Vorträge aus dem vorigen Semester (deutsch)

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