Kategorie: ohne Anmeldung KOSMOS Winterkino

KOSMOS Winterkino

11. März 2021

Veranstaltungsreihe von Open Humboldt

KOSMOS Winterkino: Towards sustainable Business and Finance

Demands for more sustainability in corporate business transactions and on capital markets have been becoming increasingly urgent since the outbreak of the financial crisis. There is clear potential for innovation here; the law, with all its options as well as its enabling and incentive function, can and must also be used to provide a regulatory framework for the positive developments that are already emerging in the markets with regard to sustainability, and to promote them as far as possible.

At the same time, law can discipline companies that disregard existing requirements in this respect more than before. Following on from the interdisciplinary approach of Alexander von Humboldt's KOSMOS lectures, the significance of "Business and Finance" for the transformation to a sustainable society will be examined from a legal perspective.

With: Dr. Anne-Christin Mittwoch, University of Marburg

Keine Anmeldung erforderlich; Streaming auf der Website

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